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Mətbuat şərhi 09 oktyabr 2020

Qoşulmama Hərəkatının Xarici İşlər nazilərinin online görüşündə qəbul olunmuş xüsusi bəyannamə

Online Ministerial Meeting of the NonAligned Movement (NAM)
9 October 2020

The NAM Member States strongly condemn the resumption of hostilities in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and regret the loss of life and the toll on the civilian population.

The Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement reaffirms its support to the settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the basis of the United Nations Security Council resolutions (S/RES/822, S/RES/853, S/RES/874, S/RES/884).

The NAM Member States extend their firm support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and express their solidarity with the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the principled position of NAM.

The NAM Member States took note of the United Nations Secretary-General's relevant call dated 27 September 2020.


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